This blog covers the Harpers Mill Sub-Division located in Lake Wylie, SC which is managed by Kuester Real Estate in Fort Mill, SC. the builder is the now defunct Mercedes Homes, currently Phase 2 is only half complete with no word on what is going to happen with all the empty lots.
Friday, July 27, 2012
North Carolina: Family wins suit over HOA Violation and FInes!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The Mentality
I just do not understand how anyone could think it is ok to dump their couch on the side of the road. This is what someone did yesturday. A couch was left on the side of the road yes in front of the dumpster area, they were close but not close enough.
Large items like this are to be taken by the homeowner to the York County Covienance Center.
We encourage anyone that sees a home owner or anyone for that matter leaving their garbage on the side of the road to call the York County Sheriff's Department at 803-329-1110 leaving unwanted items on the side of the road even in front of the dunpster area is illegal under state law and is an ARRESTABLE OFFENSE under the states illegal dumping laws.

Monday, July 23, 2012
Attention: AT&T U-Verse Customers
According to AT&T managers, they have found a problem with the equipment serving our neighborhood, there is a fiber optic cable that feeds some hardware which than sends the TV, Internet and Phone signals for U-Verse to our homes.
They are still not sure if the hardware is failing or there is a fiber optic cable problem, however they are investigating it and they will dispatch a fiber repair crew tonight between 12:30am and 5:30am or a crew to replace the failing hardware, either way you may have slow internet speeds until this is resolved and you may also loose service overnight while they do repairs, the problems should be fully resolved within 24 to 48 hours. We will update you as soon as we get an update from AT&T.
The current problems do not affect you if you have regular DSL, or POTS phone service (Non-Uverse) or if you have fiber to the home, which is most houses in Phase 2.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sad News!
The victim lived in Harpers Mill since 2007 and was a well respected and liked resident here in the community. He leaves behind his wife and 3 kids, our prayers and sincerest condolences goes out to his family and friends.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Blog Update!
We all pay HOA fees and we all have a vested interest in the prosperity of the neighborhood. We hope to spark some more participation from homeowners, the next annual meeting will be a big one for us, as it is the first where we the homeowners now control our own destiny.
We also hope by drawing attention to some of the problems and rule violations that it will make people think twice before they do something, keeping the dumpster neat and clean, picking up after the dogs, taking care of the common areas and generally abiding by the HOA Rules, local ordinances and state laws, this makes the neighborhood more enjoyable for everyone. But it takes a community effort and participation, and sometimes a willingness to help a neighbor who needs it.
We encourage everyone to particpate by commenting below, you can also email us with news tips and updates, comments, or feedback by clicking this link: Harpers Mill Blogger .
Monday, July 2, 2012
Police Blotter - July 1st & 2nd
At approx. 1:30 am on July 2nd the York County Sheriff's Department responded to a disturbance in the area of Water Fall Way, they were advised of a female that was acting disorderly upon arrival the disturbance had moved to the pool area, where deputies made contact with the female and two males that were involved. The deputies gave the female a ride back to her residence in Clover.
2035 Shady Pond Dr & 2037 Shady Pond Dr
Our suggestion is that Kuester Real Estate should send the owner the $100 fine right way so the owner can deduct it out of the tenants security deposit before it is returned to them.
If Kuester does not follow through on this than the cost of removing this furniture will have to come out of the HOA funds instead of the fine, and will just be another reason why our dues will never go down.
The sad part is this couple was driving a red pick up truck pulling a white trailer with "Arnold" bread logo on the back, another words they had plenty of room to load up the trailer and take all their excess garbage down to the county convenience center, instead of dumping their unwanted stuff on the rest of the home owners to have to deal with now.
The driver of the pickup truck was a cuban male about 6'4'' and the passenger was a white female about 5'2'' with short red hair. They both unloaded and dumped the items together in the dumpster area.
UPDATE 07/06/12: Kuester had Metrolina Maintenance come out and clean up all the times the couple left outside the dumpster. We believe the HOA was charged somewhere between $100 to $130 to clean up their mess but someone would need to get the exact number from Kuester. Also we do not know if the home owner was fined or not, but our guess is more than likely not. And home owners wonder why our monthly fees will never go down? this is why........
UPDATE 07/08/12: A source told us another home owner who saw them leaving the items offered to help them, properly dispose of their unwanted furniture, and their response was to simply walk away and drive off, they obviously just do not are about this neighborhood, but since they are renters we guess they feel they have nothing invested here, so why should they care?