Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just a Little Update

We received an email from a concerned homeowner, the email expressed concern that this blog may be to negative and cast a bad light on the neighborhood, and so cause high tensions between homeowners. Our answer is that we are not here to be negative, we are here to help make the neighborhood a warm and welcome environment for all homeowners. Also we hope to bring change to how the HOA is run, up to now actual homeowners have had very little input everything has been controlled by a chosen few and few home owners show up at the annual meetings, why? because if you have a problem or complaint, it is largely ignored the HOA Board and Management Company really seem to feel they do no have to answer to anyone, this needs to change homeowners need to have more input and the people in charge need to do a better job of communicating with the homeowners in general and need to be held accountable.

This is why we have stressed homeowners are welcome to participate in this blog by either emailing us or commenting. In the few days this blog has been up we have already had 52 unique page views, and several emails of feedback which were all positive.

Yes if a homeowner emails us pictures, video, or other evidence that a fellow homeowner is breaking rules we will call them out on it, in hopes that they will discontinue that kind of behavior, especially issues with the trash as all homeowners have a stake in this, the more that homeowners abuse it, the more it costs to correct and all those costs get passed to each and every home owner in terms of HOA fees and even to renters in how much they pay for rent. Hopefully there will come a day where rule violations are rare and everyone does their part in taking care of our neighborhood and following the rules.

We hope this clears the air a little on what we are trying to accomplish and why we are doing this, we thank our supporters and welcome them and the ones who may not like us to participate, because everyone's opinions do count, nothing will ever change if we don't talk about it.

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