Monday, June 11, 2012


We have had a few homeowners contact us asking why we do not have a playground and how can we get one?

So we did a little research and asked around about this issue, here is what we found out:

1) The current Board Members, who are all single with no kids living with them in the neighborhood are completely against any playground, their claim is that the insurance needed would be so high dues would be raised to over $150 a month.

2) Some homeowners in phase 1 were told when they bought their home from Mercedes Homes that a playground would be built, although Mercedes plans never included a playground.

3) Many homeowners do not want a playground, they feel it would attract more kids from neighboring communities like Forest Oaks, which would ultimately cause more problems overall for the neighborhood.

From what we can tell, many believe there is plenty of room for a playground maybe near the pool is one  location mentioned, we don't believe the insurance claim, we feel homeowners should request from the board 2 or 3 estimates from insurance companies showing the cost of adding a playground to the existing insurance policy.

This comes down to two sides parents with kids that would like a playground and homeowners without kids that don't want the added expense or potential problems that a playground may bring. Either way we believe the board should get the estimates for both the cost to build a playground and to insure it. and let homeowners decide in a vote, however we don't believe this will happen anytime soon, with the current regime in power.

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