Monday, August 20, 2012

The Dumpster Once Again

Ok lets see where to start this time,

1) The Dumpsters are emptied every Monday Wednesday and Friday, if they are filled hold taking your garbage out until the next day when they are emptied, just common sense.

2) If they look full, I almost bet you can open the top and drop more in, or go to the other side of the dumpster and that side may have more room, or even push the last bag by the door back and almost always there is room behind it, again common sense.

3) If you leave garbage outside the dumpster prepare to get a fine, it is a $100 fine every time you leave garbage outside the dumpster, Why? glad you asked Waste Management does not clean up anything outside the dumpsters, the HOA has to PAY extra money for someone to come out and clean up any mess left outside the dumpster.

4) Do not send your young kids, they are either not big enough to get the garbage through the hole and are just not going to check the other side of the dumpster for more room, again just common sense.

5) If you really have a lot of extra garbage, or cannot wait an extra day to dump your garbage, take it to the York County Convenience Site, there is one on 274 and one off of 557, you can bring any type of garbage there and dump it for free, all paid for by your taxes.

6) If you see anyone from Phase 2 using the dumpster or anyone who lives outside the neighborhood using the dumpster report it to the HOA, or in the case of a non-resident the Sheriff's Department.

7) If you follow these simple tips and do your part to take some time and actually care, than it will save all of us money in our dues, reduce the chances that our neighborhood becomes infested with mice and coach roaches, which will save us money in extermination costs. It's really not that complicated if we all tried a little harder.


If we continue to let people use the dumpster who are not suppose to, it will only cost us all more money, Phase 2 Homeowners have garbage cabs and a collection service paid for out of the HOA dues that covers them, the dumpsters are designed only for capacity of Phase 1, and of coarse non Harpers Mill residents should not be using our dumpster at any time. If we add more capacity that will only increase the cost and we will have even more people who don't belong dumping here dumping more garbage,

Now on to other business 733 WaterFall Way is the owner of some of the garbage left outside the dumpster today, if we find out anymore of the responsible parities we will let you know.

1 comment:

  1. I went out there this morning and saw how bad it was, I called Kuester who did a good job and had someone out here an hour later, he looked at it and was overwhelmed and said he was not going to be able to clean it all up, it was too much garbage to get into his truck.

    Luckily at the same time, Waste Management showed up, he emptied one dumpster, and than the three of us picked up all the other garbage and filled it back up, he than re-emptied that dumpster and the other one.

    People can criticize me all they want, but I didn't hesitate to jump in there get a little dirty and pick up all the trash that was left on the ground.
