Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Don't Forget Tomorrow Nights Meeting at 6PM!

Tomorrow night York County will hold a public meeting at 6PM in the Oak Ridge Middle School cafeteria. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the counties long range plan for the Lake Wylie area.

The long term future of Lake Wylie is of coarse important to us here in Harpers Mill, so if you can be there please let our voices be heard at the meeting!

Public meeting Nov. 8 to talk long-range plans for Lake Wylie

1 comment:

  1. The location of tomorrow evening’s Community Workshop for the Lake Wylie Area Plan has been changed from the Cafeteria to the Media Room of the Oakridge Middle School, located at 5650 Highway 557. The meeting will take place from 6:00 – 7:30 as scheduled (see attached meeting notice). Upon entering the school’s Main Entrance, the Media Room is located along the main hallway to the left; signage and Planning Staff will be on hand to direct you. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce and obtain your feedback on a DRAFT future land use plan map.
