Wednesday, January 30, 2013

HOA Inside our Homes?

A homeowner has just informed us that he has had a long standing dispute with the HOA, over some electrical work that was done at his home. The homeowner states he had an email from the York County building inspector that his home meet all building code requirements, and he paid for a licensed inspection of the specific items of concern to the HOA.

The homeowner was informed today that the Board of Directors is still not satisfied, they want a full inspection done inside his home, which he is adamantly against. He states they have no legal right to inspect anything on the inside of his home, leaving him no choice but to file suit against the HOA.

This is important because it will set a precedent allowing the HOA to enter the home of any homeowner to do an inspection if they want to. they told the homeowner they believe they have that right under the guise of safety.

Of coarse this means that our monthly HOA fees will go to an attorney to represent the HOA, in this matter, and if the homeowner wins he will ask the court to have the HOA pay all of his legal fees as well.

But the homeowner believes the fight is well worth it to stop the HOA from entering our homes at anytime, for any reason.

We will update you as soon as we hear more.

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