This blog covers the Harpers Mill Sub-Division located in Lake Wylie, SC which is managed by Kuester Real Estate in Fort Mill, SC. the builder is the now defunct Mercedes Homes, currently Phase 2 is only half complete with no word on what is going to happen with all the empty lots.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Annual Meeting Review
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
HOA Annual Meeting Tonight!
1) Lets see what Board of Directors are present as a reminder here is a list of the current Board.
Here is the main issue that is important for us the homeowners, Mercedes no longer exists but they still somehow control our HOA, not us the homeowners, why you may ask?
The family who owned Mercedes Homes wants to sell the unfinished lots to a new builder, if they can sell the lots WITH CONTROL OF THE HOA, they can ask a higher price. A new builder can than come in and change the governing documents, raise our rates and use the HOA for their gain as Mercedes did and Kuester continues to do.
So how does Kuester use the HOA for their gain? Here are some examples:
1) They keep 50% of all late fees collected
2) They charge new homeowners "Account Setup Fees" in the amount of $325.00 which is very high compared to other HOA's, and they keep 100% of this!
3) We pay them monthly management fees, also in the budget you will see money for office supplies and other misc fees, 100% of which go to Kuester, as the HOA itself does not have an office.
4) When we had an insurance claim for the hail damage last year, Kuester hired themselves as the project manager, paying themselves $40,000 of OUR money to themselves.
They continue to hire contractors they have relationships with and not by the lowest bidder or who is best for the neighborhood, an employee of Kuester actually tried to get her relatives business to do the gutter clean out, luckily the sub-contractor saw through that and insisted on hiring their own crew and not using the family members crew, but make no mistake this type of thing goes on all the time.
If you are at the meeting you should ask questions like:
1) Why do we have Board of Directors who no longer live here and no longer participate actively in the HOA?
2) Why is Mercedes Homes still in control of the HOA and not the homeowners?
3) Why are "non-members" which means non-homeowners are members of the board when the governing documents specifically require board members be members!
Understand neighborhood issues like the dues we pay, budget, and garbage collection will never be fully addressed or CHANGED until the HOA is transitioned from the control of the declarent (Mercedes Homes) to the homeowners. They have control and they are going to run things the way they want until they no longer have control so the single most important fact is why, when Mercedes Homes was dissolved did a transition to the homeowners did not occur. Make no mistake about it, it is illegal and they know it, they are taking advantage because homeowners are not informed, which is why this blog was created so you could be informed and voice those concerns to them at the meeting.
If we want lower HOA fees, a more responsive Board of Directors that we 100% choose than change has to happen, and we are going to have to fight for that, they do not want to give up control, because they are profiting from us.
We recommend you review the governing documents and budget, so you can be informed at tonights meeting!
Here are the current governing documents.
Here is the budget information.
As many homeownrs as possible should show up, there is strength in numbers, we have to let them know we understand what they are up to, and were not going to take it anymore, we want change, we want real change, and we want it NOW!
Gutter Clean-Out
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Kuester and HOA Settle Suit with Homeowner
Monday, November 12, 2012
Kuester Management Group - HOA Contract
Here is a copy of the management agreement our HOA has with Kuester Management Group. This is an older copy however we doubt things have changed very much, this is just for your review and we have included a few notes below:
Account Setup Fees!
Now we checked and cannot find anything in our ByLaws or Covenants allowing for such a charge, and we believe that 100% of these fees are going to Kuester directly not the HOA.
We also cannot find anything about these fees in the management contract with Kuester. According to some sources we spoke with, some HOA's do charge an account setup fee, but usually it is less than half what Kuester is charging our new homeowners.
We would suspect anyone who has paid such a fee may be able to go to the magistrate court with our Covenants and ByLaws and show that there is no allowance for this fee to be charged, and might be able to recover any account setup fees and legal fees that they have paid.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Harpers Mill Budget 2012 and 2013
Harpers Mill Townhome Owners Association 2013 Budget PDF Format.
Harpers Mill Townhome Owners Association 2012 Budget PDF Format.
Click on comments below to discuss or ask questions about the budget!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Ineligible Board of Director! - "The Proof"
Later a Homeowner called Kuester Management Group and inquired as to the status of Julia Jones, as we reported here, she was told by Kuester that Board of Directors were not required to be Homeowners, they did not dispute the fact that she is not a Homeowner,
As stated in the Harpers Mill Townhome Owners Association ByLaws Article IV Section 3:
""QUALIFICATIONS: Directors shall be members of the association.""
To be a member you MUST be a Homeowner, our ByLaws are very clear and concise on this point. As Julia Colleen Jones is NOT a Homeowner she is also NOT a "Member" of the association, and therefore ineligible to hold a position of any kind on the Board of Directors.
The question now is will Kuester Management Group and the current Board of Directors step up and correct their mistake, by doing the right thing, or will they continue to do business as usual?
Governing Documents
Click here to download the current Harpers Mill Townhome Owners Association Bylaws
Click here to download the current Harpers Mill Townhome Owners Association CCR's
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Don't Forget Tomorrow Nights Meeting at 6PM!
Tomorrow night York County will hold a public meeting at 6PM in the Oak Ridge Middle School cafeteria. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the counties long range plan for the Lake Wylie area.
The long term future of Lake Wylie is of coarse important to us here in Harpers Mill, so if you can be there please let our voices be heard at the meeting!
Public meeting Nov. 8 to talk long-range plans for Lake Wylie
Blog Update!
We are open to any and all contributions, suggestions, news tips, critiques, and volunteers that want to make contributions on the blog. You can email us at: Harpers Mill Blog eMail Address. We are not affiliated with Kuester Management Group, we are homeowners like you, your identity will be kept confidential.
We ask that all homeowners who read our blog give this address to your neighbors and get the word out, we need support for the up coming annual meeting. We need Homeowners to be fully informed before going to the meeting.
We do have some goals our goals are as follows:
1) Keep all Homeowners FULLY informed and educated about our neighborhood, and any related HOA activity.
2) To get Mercedes Homes removed from the board and the HOA turned over to the control of the Homeowners!
3) If we can accomplish Goal # 2 than we will ask for a special meeting to be called and open and fair elections held so all Homeowners can elect a new board made up of 100% Homeowners.
4) After accomplishing number 3 we will hope the new board will be bale to look into hiring a new management company, lowering our monthly HOA dues, and work on other HOA issues that you may need to be addressed.
We also believe that once we have full control, we would have a good lawsuit against the developer, who is owned by the Buescher family the same family that owned Mercedes Homes if they do not, come and finish paving the roads and making all repairs as required by law when the HOA is handed over to us the Homeowners. Understand with the current Board and Kuester at the helm this will never happen, considering it was Mercedes Homes that hired Kuester, and the Buescher Family of Melbourne Florida that are still hanging on to their Board spot even though they dissolved the corporation. The reality is Kuester Management Group and Mercedes Homes are the ones making decisions and running our current board.
Now you may ask, if they are out of business why are they hanging on to their Board position?
We believe they are doing this in an attempt to turn the HOA over to the new builder that they are in negations with to sell the remaining lots too. We are committed to not allowing this to happen, even if it comes to filling a lawsuit against the parties involved.
Let us be clear we are for a new builder to come in and finish building out the empty lots, but we are not interested in turning the HOA over to this new company so they can change the Covenants and By-Laws once again to suit their needs and to raise our fees or create a special assessment to cover their Development costs that they would have to do, since Mercedes Homes and their development company did not finish.
In closing we are asking all homeowners to come together and to be fully informed about our HOA and their plans before the December 4th HOA meeting. Please tell your neighbors about this blog, email us any tips, news, reviews, or issues you would like to discuss your information will be kept confidential.
Than you,
Your Harpers Mill Blog Team!
Kuester Responds!
A homeowner called Kuester yesterday and asked who was Julia Jones, and how can she be on the board if she is not a homeowner here, their response was to say the By-Laws allow a non homeowner to serve on the board, the homeowner was not given any other information about her.
So we are currently undertaking a full legal review of both the Covenants and the By-Laws we will post what we find shortly, about this issue.
Kuester all responded to a Homeowner about whether or not they have anyone on the board: "No Kuester nor any of it's affiliates sit on the Harpers Mill board." So that is good news.
The Harpers Mill Townhome Owners Association is a non-ptofit Corporation in the State of South Carolina as such they are bound by Title 33 Chapter 31 of the South Carolina Code of Laws Here is a link for you: SC Code of Laws Title 33 Chapter 31.
Part of the above law requires that a member (ie: homeowner) be given the full name and address of any Board Member upon request. A "member" has requested this information for all current board members the HOA has 5 days to respond, the homeowner discussed this with both the SC Department of State and the SC Attorneys General's Office, both of which are responsible for enforcing this section before making their request.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Harpers Mill Poll Question #2
Harpers Mill Poll Question #1
Sunday, November 4, 2012
So Who Are Our Board of Directors!
As per the Governing Documents of the Harpers Mill Townhome Owners Association, we are told hold elections every two years to elect a new Board of Directors. Homeowners are supposed to vote in fellow homeowners that they want to represent them, we all should know who our board is and hw to contact them, since that has not been the case we are going to help you out and publish who they are, we believe there are several who should not be on the board and that those who should not be, be removed and that Kuester Real Estate Management, and the current valid Board Members hold open and fair elections to fill the vacancies at our annual meeting this December 4th.
Disturbing Fact #4
Dennis Kiplinger is listed as our Treasurer and Secretary, of the Board of Directors, now Dennis as a homeowner is eligible to hold such a position (or in this case 2 positions) and many homeowners knew him when he lived here and he cared about the neighborhood very much, and was very active in the community,none of that is in question.
UPDATE: It has been reported that a for Sale Sign has been posted on his property which he has been renting out while he lives in Alabama, I guess now we know the rumors of his return are not true.
Disturbing Fact #3
Disturbing Fact #2
One of the biggest expenditures we have is paying for a management company, an HOA is supposed to be run by homeowners, who elect a Board of Directors to represent them, the Board makes all financial decisions, if the management company has elected themselves to the Board of Directors, it would be a Direct COnflict of Interest and more than likely illegal as well, as they are not a homeowner.
We call on Kuester Management Group to immediately clarify if they do hold a seat on our Board of Directors and if so to immediately resign that position, and hold an open and fair election to elect a homeowner to that position.
If Kuester does not respond and we know they read this, than we can only assume they do hold a position on the Board of Directors, or maybe they can clarify at the December HOA meeting.
The image below is taken from the latest HOA newsletter listing the current Board of Directors:
UPDATE: Kuester in their latest mailing no longer lists them as a Board of Director, so this may have just been a mis-understaning, lets hope so.......
Disturbing Fact #1
We believe they are listed on the board in an effort to continue to control the HOA giving the Homeowners no say.
We demand the current board of directors, and Kuester Management Group stop their illegal activity and remove Mercedes Homes from the Board of Directors immediately and hold a open and fair election for a new Vice President.
See below website from the SC Secretary of State showing Mercedes Homes as a dissolved entity a of 3/18/2011
Annual Meeting! December 4th 2012
The annual Meeting is December 4th at the Pine Grove Baptist Church, the agenda is as follows:
Harpers Mill Newsletter
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Lake Wylie Area Plan - Community Workshop - November 8, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Homeowner Files Lawsuit Against HOA + Kuester
The homeowner, sent a payment for HOA fees about 6 months ago the payment was sent and received by Kuester on time, however Kuester changed the homeowners account number and sent the payment back, when the homeowner asked when did you change my account number, he was told 2 years ago, yet they accepted his payment every month for 2 years with the old account number without ever notifying him of the change. The homeowner resent the payment they sent back, but now it was a few days past the 15th so they charged him a $15.00 late fee.
The homeowner asked why did you charge me a late fee, and their answer was we never received your payment, when in fact they received it and than sent it back, he was than told because he had not had any other late fees in over a year, that this fee would be waived as a one time courtesy. The Homeowner was upset about it being a one time courtesy because he felt it was their fault not his they had the payment before the 15th, and they choose to send it back, and still never contacted him, but they were going to credit it back so no big deal.
Two months later he still saw the late fee on his account and called and again was told as a courtesy it would be credited back, and again two months later it was not, he called again and was told again the same thing it would be credited back as a courtesy. Eventually he emailed them and than was told it would not be credited back, unless he could prove his claim, the problem with that was he gave them all the bank information including payment confirmation numbers and everything showing the payment was sent on time, received by them and than sent back to him, because of the account number on his first phone call to them about the problem.
At this point the homeowner decided to file the civil suit, under South Carolina law if he prevails he is entitled to the original amount in question $15.00 which he did pay to the HOA, and legal fees, making the new amount of $195.00. We will update you as soon as we get any updates on the case.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Power Outage
As you know our power went out this morning due to a thunderstorm, Duke Power is estimating our power to be back on around 10:30AM.
Everyone should call Duke Power's automated power outage line, they dispatch crews in order that calls are received and by the most affected customers, the more that call and the sooner they call the higher of a priority we will be. The number is:
1-800-769-3766. 1-800-POWER ON
It will tell you an outage has already been reported in the area be sure to wait until the very end of the recording to press 1 to add your account to the reported outage.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
New Builder May be on the Way Soon!
The new builder is reported to want to buildout phase 2 with homes very similar in look and feel as the existing phase 2 homes, but at least one model with more square footage than what was already available.
As more details emerge we will keep you updated!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Commercial Vehicles
We have received several complaints about commercial vehicles parking in the neighborhood overnight. We checked and were told some homeowners we're mailed violation letters last week. Of course each homeowner who gets a violation letter has a grace period to correct the violation. Any commercial vehicles parked overnight after the grace period will be towed by the HOA at the owners expense.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
We will keep you posted if we hear anything new, on the selection of a new landscaper.
Friday, August 24, 2012
If you have kids that ride the bus to school from Harper's Mill than you need to read this, if you don't have kids please pass this information and the link to your neighbors with kids, this is an urgent matter!
This morning a couple driving an older model tan car, possibly a Ford approached Kids at the Harper's Mill bus stop and several bus stops in Forest Oaks. The car was driven by an older white male in his 30's he is reportedly the boyfriend of the female passenger who is described as a white female about 23 years of age with long curly blond hair wearing a lip and nose ring. It is reported she may have recently moved into a home in Forest Oaks.
According to reports the couple was very intoxicated and where seen drinking Four Loco, and offering it to the kids at the bus stop. For those that do not know Four Loco is an alcoholic drink mixed with Caffeine and sold in a can. It has been banned in many states and is known on the street as liquid crack.
The female passenger was also reprted to be talking about sexual activities with a 14 year old boy from Harper's Mill this morning at the bus stop
The Sheriffs Department is asking anyone with information on the indentity of the pair or a license plate number to call 911 and report the information and to give the following case number that has already been created for these incidents when making your report.
The report number is 201228833 also it was reported that one of the kids from Harper's Mill may have video recorded the incident on their cell phone, if you did please call the Sheriffs Department reference the above case number and provide them a copy if possible.
Finaly please remind your kids if anyone approaches them att the bus stop, lime this again to call 911 from their cell phone get as much information as possible like what they look like the make model and license plate of any car involved.
If they do not have a cell phone they can ask one of the other kids at the bus stop to call from their cell phones.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Dumpster Once Again
1) The Dumpsters are emptied every Monday Wednesday and Friday, if they are filled hold taking your garbage out until the next day when they are emptied, just common sense.
2) If they look full, I almost bet you can open the top and drop more in, or go to the other side of the dumpster and that side may have more room, or even push the last bag by the door back and almost always there is room behind it, again common sense.
3) If you leave garbage outside the dumpster prepare to get a fine, it is a $100 fine every time you leave garbage outside the dumpster, Why? glad you asked Waste Management does not clean up anything outside the dumpsters, the HOA has to PAY extra money for someone to come out and clean up any mess left outside the dumpster.
4) Do not send your young kids, they are either not big enough to get the garbage through the hole and are just not going to check the other side of the dumpster for more room, again just common sense.
5) If you really have a lot of extra garbage, or cannot wait an extra day to dump your garbage, take it to the York County Convenience Site, there is one on 274 and one off of 557, you can bring any type of garbage there and dump it for free, all paid for by your taxes.
6) If you see anyone from Phase 2 using the dumpster or anyone who lives outside the neighborhood using the dumpster report it to the HOA, or in the case of a non-resident the Sheriff's Department.
7) If you follow these simple tips and do your part to take some time and actually care, than it will save all of us money in our dues, reduce the chances that our neighborhood becomes infested with mice and coach roaches, which will save us money in extermination costs. It's really not that complicated if we all tried a little harder.
If we continue to let people use the dumpster who are not suppose to, it will only cost us all more money, Phase 2 Homeowners have garbage cabs and a collection service paid for out of the HOA dues that covers them, the dumpsters are designed only for capacity of Phase 1, and of coarse non Harpers Mill residents should not be using our dumpster at any time. If we add more capacity that will only increase the cost and we will have even more people who don't belong dumping here dumping more garbage,
Now on to other business 733 WaterFall Way is the owner of some of the garbage left outside the dumpster today, if we find out anymore of the responsible parities we will let you know.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Dumpster Alert!
There are several large black garbage bags left in front of the dumpsters all are full with mail with the address of:
Lawrence Morgan
4151 River Oaks Rd
Lake Wylie, SC 29710
If anyone knows who this is and why his garbage is at our dumpsters please email is or Kuester to report it.
UPDATE: Waste Management came this morning and emptied the dumpsters, now we just need Metrolina Maintenance to come and clean up the mess that is left.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Police Activity at the Pool
Deputies gave the partiers a warning, and left. The HOA is going to have to address this if it continues every weekend, the pool is no longer a safe and enjoyable environment for home owners with young children.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Expansion Tank?
Police Blotter Sunday August 5th, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
North Carolina: Family wins suit over HOA Violation and FInes!
Judge orders HOA insurance company to pay family $20,000
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The Mentality
I just do not understand how anyone could think it is ok to dump their couch on the side of the road. This is what someone did yesturday. A couch was left on the side of the road yes in front of the dumpster area, they were close but not close enough.
Large items like this are to be taken by the homeowner to the York County Covienance Center.
We encourage anyone that sees a home owner or anyone for that matter leaving their garbage on the side of the road to call the York County Sheriff's Department at 803-329-1110 leaving unwanted items on the side of the road even in front of the dunpster area is illegal under state law and is an ARRESTABLE OFFENSE under the states illegal dumping laws.

Monday, July 23, 2012
Attention: AT&T U-Verse Customers
According to AT&T managers, they have found a problem with the equipment serving our neighborhood, there is a fiber optic cable that feeds some hardware which than sends the TV, Internet and Phone signals for U-Verse to our homes.
They are still not sure if the hardware is failing or there is a fiber optic cable problem, however they are investigating it and they will dispatch a fiber repair crew tonight between 12:30am and 5:30am or a crew to replace the failing hardware, either way you may have slow internet speeds until this is resolved and you may also loose service overnight while they do repairs, the problems should be fully resolved within 24 to 48 hours. We will update you as soon as we get an update from AT&T.
The current problems do not affect you if you have regular DSL, or POTS phone service (Non-Uverse) or if you have fiber to the home, which is most houses in Phase 2.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sad News!
The victim lived in Harpers Mill since 2007 and was a well respected and liked resident here in the community. He leaves behind his wife and 3 kids, our prayers and sincerest condolences goes out to his family and friends.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Blog Update!
We all pay HOA fees and we all have a vested interest in the prosperity of the neighborhood. We hope to spark some more participation from homeowners, the next annual meeting will be a big one for us, as it is the first where we the homeowners now control our own destiny.
We also hope by drawing attention to some of the problems and rule violations that it will make people think twice before they do something, keeping the dumpster neat and clean, picking up after the dogs, taking care of the common areas and generally abiding by the HOA Rules, local ordinances and state laws, this makes the neighborhood more enjoyable for everyone. But it takes a community effort and participation, and sometimes a willingness to help a neighbor who needs it.
We encourage everyone to particpate by commenting below, you can also email us with news tips and updates, comments, or feedback by clicking this link: Harpers Mill Blogger .
Monday, July 2, 2012
Police Blotter - July 1st & 2nd
At approx. 1:30 am on July 2nd the York County Sheriff's Department responded to a disturbance in the area of Water Fall Way, they were advised of a female that was acting disorderly upon arrival the disturbance had moved to the pool area, where deputies made contact with the female and two males that were involved. The deputies gave the female a ride back to her residence in Clover.
2035 Shady Pond Dr & 2037 Shady Pond Dr
Our suggestion is that Kuester Real Estate should send the owner the $100 fine right way so the owner can deduct it out of the tenants security deposit before it is returned to them.
If Kuester does not follow through on this than the cost of removing this furniture will have to come out of the HOA funds instead of the fine, and will just be another reason why our dues will never go down.
The sad part is this couple was driving a red pick up truck pulling a white trailer with "Arnold" bread logo on the back, another words they had plenty of room to load up the trailer and take all their excess garbage down to the county convenience center, instead of dumping their unwanted stuff on the rest of the home owners to have to deal with now.
The driver of the pickup truck was a cuban male about 6'4'' and the passenger was a white female about 5'2'' with short red hair. They both unloaded and dumped the items together in the dumpster area.
UPDATE 07/06/12: Kuester had Metrolina Maintenance come out and clean up all the times the couple left outside the dumpster. We believe the HOA was charged somewhere between $100 to $130 to clean up their mess but someone would need to get the exact number from Kuester. Also we do not know if the home owner was fined or not, but our guess is more than likely not. And home owners wonder why our monthly fees will never go down? this is why........
UPDATE 07/08/12: A source told us another home owner who saw them leaving the items offered to help them, properly dispose of their unwanted furniture, and their response was to simply walk away and drive off, they obviously just do not are about this neighborhood, but since they are renters we guess they feel they have nothing invested here, so why should they care?
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Pool Chairs
Friday, June 29, 2012
Possible Water Interruption's Today 6/29/2012
Apparently the board and Kuester knew about this work ahead of time, but to our knowledge no home owners were alerted, we do have a community email list which is a perfect way to communicate things just like this to the home owners, we are unsure why no notice was sent out, since this could cause interruptions in your water service, it would have been nice to know in advance.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Lots of Sore Feet at the Pool
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Property complexes step into DNA testing of dog poop
USA Today: Property Complexes Step Into DNA Testing of Dog Poop
This is very interesting and is a new trend sweeping the country, being used by homeowners associations and apartment complex managers, maybe this could help solve our problems with people not picking up their dog poop.
Monday, June 11, 2012
So we did a little research and asked around about this issue, here is what we found out:
1) The current Board Members, who are all single with no kids living with them in the neighborhood are completely against any playground, their claim is that the insurance needed would be so high dues would be raised to over $150 a month.
2) Some homeowners in phase 1 were told when they bought their home from Mercedes Homes that a playground would be built, although Mercedes plans never included a playground.
3) Many homeowners do not want a playground, they feel it would attract more kids from neighboring communities like Forest Oaks, which would ultimately cause more problems overall for the neighborhood.
From what we can tell, many believe there is plenty of room for a playground maybe near the pool is one location mentioned, we don't believe the insurance claim, we feel homeowners should request from the board 2 or 3 estimates from insurance companies showing the cost of adding a playground to the existing insurance policy.
This comes down to two sides parents with kids that would like a playground and homeowners without kids that don't want the added expense or potential problems that a playground may bring. Either way we believe the board should get the estimates for both the cost to build a playground and to insure it. and let homeowners decide in a vote, however we don't believe this will happen anytime soon, with the current regime in power.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Car Accident
If anyone knows or had seen anything please call the HOA and let them know or let the Homeowner know, we think she would really appreciate it, if she knew who hit and damaged her car.
UPDATE: The persons responsible contacted the homeowner and resolved the situation.
Some Good News!
But there is no garbage outside of the dumpsters, hopefully we can all work together and keep it that way.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Forest Oaks Dog Walk Area
The homeowner did call the Sheriff's Department who issued the person a warning, and directed the individual to leave the neighborhood.
It amazes us, we already knew Forest Oaks homeowners come here and illegally dump their garbage in our dumpsters, but we had no idea that Forest Oaks homeowners used Harpers Mill as their private dog walk.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The Dumpster Yet Again
2) for the second week in a row, either Metrolina Maintenance Group has come out and charged us for clearing the dumpster area, or they just haven't shown up at all because the same garbage is still on the ground since last week.
3) Waste Management of Gastonia came this morning to empty the dumpsters but one is still half full, so they are not doing what they are paid for, we have noticed the last few weeks, that after Waste Management comes, they are not completely emptying the dumpsters, and this is becoming a regular problem.
Sow how long before our Board of Directors and Kuester Management Take care of theses issues? When we figure out how to make a poll we will put one up for all you homeowners to vote on!!!!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Harpers Mill Forclosures
There is a recent case where a long term homeowner who was one of the first to live here, has always taken care of their home and never caused any problems to their neighbors is being foreclosed on by the HOA, we wonder how much they tried to work with this homeowner. We know the person in question lives by them self and lost their job about 6 months ago, we also know by looking at the court records the homeowner is not being forclosed on by the bank only the HOA, indicating that the bank is working with them in their time of need, we have our doubts if the HOA is doing the same.
If you want to see foreclosure records for the community follow these simple instructions, these records are open to the public and available online
!) Goto:
2) Don't change anything just click "Accept" towards the middle bottom of the page.
3) In the box labeled "Last/Business" Type "Harpers Mill"
4) Than you will see a listing of all cases filed since inception of the community, you will notice there are 7 pages of records, to go through, some by banks some only by the HOA. We count 32 Foreclosures that the HOA has filled as the Plaintiff, many of which show a status of cancelled which means the homeowner paid the past due amounts including all the inflated legal costs that were added to save their homes.
We hope this will bring some attention to this, and hope the HOA is really working with homeowners that are having difficult times and not just filling the paperwork and adding tons of legal fees on top of someone who is already struggling and would work with the HOA if the board was sincere in really helping our fellow homeowners out.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Garbage Everywhere!
We do not know if the same homeowner left the grill or not, there just is no way of knowing unless someone saw who put it in there, and if you did see who left it please email us or call Kuester Management.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Pool Opening This Weekend!
Just a reminder that the Pool Opens on Saturday, May 19th . Pool hours are from 9am until 9pm. You must have a pool pass to enter the pool area. Passes will not work if your homeowners account is delinquent. The management company will only be able update cards during normal business hours. For a complete list of rules please visit the community website at If you note any behavior or repair concerns during your pool visit this season please report to the management office at (803)8022-0004 or by emailing Rita at
Sunday, May 13, 2012
TV Drama Finally Resolved
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Dog Poop!!
Unfinished Common Area Phase 2?
The area is very rough and uneven and grass is not maintained on a weekly basis except the edges close to the road and the homes, so us homeowners would like an Answer from our Board of Directors about when someone will come in and level this area plant grass and some trees so that it will match the other finished common areas in the neighborhood?
This is an issue and a question that the current elected Board of Directors should answer and deal with, we have almost $90,000 in a reserve funds is it that hard to take s little out and get this done?
We all know this was Mercedes Homes responsibility, and really is the responsibility of the developer which is s subsidiary of Mercedes and is still in business so lets get this done and send the Buescher family in florida the bill!! My guess is though this will never happen as long as we have Kuester Management as our HOA management company as they still hold allegiance to the Buescher family and they would not want to rock the boat, although maybe they will prove us wrong and actually step up and do what is right for the homeowners and not there own business interests for a change?
Lake Wylie Magazine?
1) Who and why where they left there in the first place?
2) Why has no homeowner disposed of them? (I would think one of the 8 homeowners who use that mailbox on a daily basis would have taken it upon them selves to dispose of this unsightly mess?
3) Assuming the answer to question 2 is that no homeowner wanted to take this on themselves, why didn't any of them call Kuester Management and let them come to dispose of this mess?
4) When will someone actually take care of this, whether it be Kuester Management or a Homeowner?
5) How do we prevent this from happening in the future?
I ask number 2 because as Homeowners we all have a stake in this community, we should be able to take care of our own yards and help keep up with the common areas around our own homes, and if it is something we cannot do on our own or feel uncomfortable doing on our own than we should be calling the management company so they can do what we pay them to do.
Just because the HOA cuts our grass and sometimes trims our bushes and sometimes replaces dead trees and shrubs, does not mean us as homeowners can't pitch in and help out, and keep our neighborhood clean and neat. If you have pride in your home and your yard and your community than this should not even have to be brought up, because you would be doing this already.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Just a Little Update
This is why we have stressed homeowners are welcome to participate in this blog by either emailing us or commenting. In the few days this blog has been up we have already had 52 unique page views, and several emails of feedback which were all positive.
Yes if a homeowner emails us pictures, video, or other evidence that a fellow homeowner is breaking rules we will call them out on it, in hopes that they will discontinue that kind of behavior, especially issues with the trash as all homeowners have a stake in this, the more that homeowners abuse it, the more it costs to correct and all those costs get passed to each and every home owner in terms of HOA fees and even to renters in how much they pay for rent. Hopefully there will come a day where rule violations are rare and everyone does their part in taking care of our neighborhood and following the rules.
We hope this clears the air a little on what we are trying to accomplish and why we are doing this, we thank our supporters and welcome them and the ones who may not like us to participate, because everyone's opinions do count, nothing will ever change if we don't talk about it.
Metrolina Maintenance Group
I have a guess that possibly they felt it was to heavy and need 2 people to come and move it, if true that is even more money the rest of us homeowners will have to pay out of our dues. So if you know who dumped this TV please email us or call Kuester, so these extra costs can be passed back to that homeowner or at least so the HOA can fine them the $100 for leaving garbage outside the dumpster. The $100 fine won't fully cover the costs that the rest of us are going to have to pay, but at least we could re-coop some of the cost, and hopefully Metrolina can actually do the job we are paying them for and have paid them for on Monday and come and dispose of this TV that now has been there for at least a week.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
How to Participate
And of coarse you are more than welcome to comment on any post you wish, although comments will be moderated if neccessary.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
The Mess Mercedes Homes Left
Harpers Mill Dumpster Area - Phase 1
If you know who this garbage belongs too, please let us know so we can pass that information to the management company.
Hello Harpers Mill Home Owners
If you are a Harpers Mill Home Owner and would like to add violations to the list, just email me pictures or videos of the said violation with any other information you may have and we will get it posted.